With Melbourne going back into lockdown this week, I’ve had a bit of time to think, and one of the things I’ve been thinking about it how Mind, Body, and Beauty are all interconnected.
I posted a video on my social media earlier about this, on Facebook, and Instagram. I finally had the confidence this week to get on a Zoom call with no makeup on. Previously, I never would have done this, always relying on makeup to look my best. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but I’m finally starting to understand what it means to be confident in your own skin, and look after yourself. Don’t get me wrong, I still love makeup to enhance how I look, but I’m just not hiding behind it anymore. Then we got hit with another lockdown, and I found myself feeling a bit lack lustre, and my skin looked a bit dull.
I then realised this morning how Arbonne’s Mind, Body, Skin philosophy is so true. When we look after our mind, keeping our stress levels under control, keep our body healthy with good nutrition and movement, and take care of our skin, our whole body can flourish, and that’s a great way to be.
This is why, during this lockdown, I’ll be taking good care of my skin, and indulging in a bit of self-care. I’ll also be starting to post some snippets on how to take care of our mind, our body, and our beauty, which is exactly where my business name comes from, SGD Body & Beauty.
If you think you’d like a bit of support with this, please contact us. As all these three areas, mind, body and beauty are interconnected, we love helping people get all three areas under control. We can help with products to use at home, virtual consultations, and self-care tips at home, including yoga, wellness, meditation, beauty, and nutrition.