SGD Body & Beauty
Complaints Policy


The purpose of this procedure is to establish a transparent process to respond to the complaints raised by individuals associated with the provision of fitness services promptly, empathetically and fairly.


If an individual/group wishes to lodge a formal complaint against an AusREP the following steps must be followed:

  1. Complaint lodged: A formal complaint must be lodged via our website here:
  2. Follow complaints process below:
  3. Document outcomes: We will provide a written outcome of the complaint..


Complaints Process

We acknowledge:

Within three business days of receiving a complaint, we will acknowledge receipt of the complaint.
We review:         We undertake an initial review of the complaint and determine what if any additional information or documentation may be required to complete an investigation. We may need to contact the complainant to clarify details or request additional information where necessary.
We investigate:  We will investigate the complaint objectively and impartially, by considering the information provided to us by the complainant and any other information which may be available, that could assist us in investigating the complaint.
We respond:     Following our investigation, we will notify the parties of our findings and any actions we may have taken in regards to the complaint.
We record:          We will record your complaint for continuous improvement process and monitoring.


If the complaint is currently being investigated by a relevant federal, state or territory consumer protection regulator or law enforcement agency we may cease to take further action in relation to the complaint pending finalisation of their investigation.