Mind, Body, and Beauty
With Melbourne going back into lockdown this week, I’ve had a bit of time to think, and one of the things I’ve been thinking about it how Mind, Body, and Beauty are all interconnected. I posted a video on my social media earlier about this, on Facebook, and Instagram. I finally had the confidence this […]
Why Meditate?
Why meditate? What is meditation? So many times, I hear that someone can’t meditate, often because they can’t sit still, or they can’t stop thinking. Meditation doesn’t have to be about stopping your thoughts. It can be as simple as just stopping for a few moments to breathe. If you want to learn to meditate, […]
Beauty (and other) benefits of Meditation
Meditation has really been hitting the mainstream, particularly with the special times we find ourselves in now. Many people ask what meditation can do for them. We were asked recently, what are the beauty benefits of meditation? We definitely believe it can, as well as helping with your health and wellness as well. As we […]