Do you want glamorous corporate makeup that lasts the distance and will be kind to you?
Do you want to look glamorous every day when you head of to work? Most women want to look completely polished, put together, and glamorous every day for work. Whilst many articles have been written about the role of your business suit or other attire, the face is often neglected.
It is often assumed that women have an innate sense of how to so their makeup in a suitable fashion. Here are a few tips to help us make the most of our corporate, professional look.
- The obvious place to start for amazing glamorous corporate makeup is with great skin, and to use a range of products that have been professionally recommended for your skin type. If you don’t have time to get to, or time to spend with a beauty therapist to obtain professional skin advice, why not consider some of the increasing numbers of mobile therapists, who can come to you? Some businesses will also offer phone or skype consultations as well, and will send out sample packs for you, although a full skin consultation really does require that the therapist see your skin.
- When you have your professional recommendation and know what products suit your skin, consider using a suite of products from the same range, as this will get you the best results, as the products will complement each other. As a bare minimum to ensure your skin, and hence your makeup, will look amazing, it would be recommended to cleanse, tone, and moisturise. For the busy professional women, who is time poor, it would be recommended to use a day cream with SPF, a night cream (to give your skin a break from sunscreen, and deeper hydration), and an eye cream (an intensely hydrating cream designed for the eye area, which does not have any of the glands which populate the rest of our face, and hence is a lot dryer, explaining why women often get that crepey appearance which can make eye makeup crease during the day).
- Whilst most women will cleanse, tone and moisturise, and perhaps use an eye cream, have you ever considered doing a mini facial at home once or twice a week? This will keep your skin in top condition, and will involve an exfoliant and a masque. There are even some products out there which will provide the benefits of a full salon facial exfoliant and masque in as little as 7 minutes, so this doesn’t need to be a time consuming process for those busy professional women who are time poor. Look at this as an investment, in that it will actually save you lengthy trips to the salon.
- Good skin comes naturally when using natural products, as you won’t then suffer clogged pores, and dullness. This will then minimise the amount of makeup needed during the day, making it easier to get glowing, glamorous corporate makeup. It is quite scary where a lot of the items in our makeup ingredients come from. A lot of the scientific sounding names on the back of our makeup or skin care are actually derivatives of mineral oils, petrochemicals or animal fats or animal byproducts. When animal fats are used in skin care products, they can often even be made by boiling down animal carcasses obtained from slaughter houses and from euthanased pets. Sometimes, the flea collars and the like are not even removed from the carcasses before they are boiled down to make the animal fats. Byproducts from these are then placed into our skin care and cosmetics as fillers. Given that the skin is one of our largest organs, and is used to excrete waste materials through sweat, its not surprising that we absorb some of these chemicals through our skin. In fact, breast biopsies today are finding increased amounts of hydrocarbons, which is obviously not good when it comes to breast cancer rates. As many people put up to 500 chemicals on their faces before they even leave the house, we need to be really careful what is in skin care, hair care, and makeup products. The following clip gives a good review of some of the nasty products which can be found in our skin care: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/Consumer/video/americas-consumer-whats-cosmetics-11459734. Hence, it is advisable to ensure you always double check the ingredients, and if the product you are looking at won’t tell you what is inside, why?
- Finally, consider some professional makeup lessons to allow you to flaunt your assets, and now amazing looking skin. Sadly, all too often, women cobble together our looks from the little 5 second ma2keup lessons we receive at cosmetic counters when buying a new product, or put things together in the same way their mothers did when they first taught them how to apply mascara when they were young. With improving product technology, you need to know what you are dealing with, as application can differ. A professional makeup lesson does not mean you will end up with a half hour makeup routine to do every morning. It may even allow you to cut down on the number of products you use, and allow you to speed up your application of your products of choice.
Contact us if you’d like to book a makeup consultation, either via Skype or in person.