Nail care for winter

Builder in a bottle was recently reviewed in Mamamia’s You Beauty newsletter.

In winter, our skin can be a lot dryer. Just as the skin on our hands can be a lot more dry and brittle in winter, so can our nails. Our nails need care, just as our skin does. So what does nail care in winter look like? Here are a few tips.

  • Just as we moisturise our skin, make sure you don’t neglect your hands. Moisturise after washing your hands as often as possible. This will help nourish the cuticles and the nail beds, preventing dry cuticles peeling, and lifting up. Particularly now that a lot of us are using alcohol based hand sanitisers, it’s even more important to take care of this, and rehydrate the hands.
  • Make sure you use a good quality moisturiser. Like anything, you get what you pay for. Some moisturisers sit on the surface of the skin, and make the skin feel soft for a time, but when they wear off, the skin is left just as parched.
  • Similar to this, if the treatments you’re getting, the nail polish you’re using is cheap, it may not be the best for your nails, as you do get what you pay for.
  • Make sure you’re not subjecting your hands to harsh UV lights when getting manicures. UV lights can contribute to skin ageing, which can also dry the skin out.
  • Make sure you’re not filing your nails down too much, or having them drilled by a nail technician. Drilling or filing the nails too much can weaken them, resulting in damage to the nail, which can be hard to repair. This is often done to remove gels or acrylic nails.
  • Make sure you’re taking care of your nails in between beauty appointments. Particularly in this day and age, with some of the restrictions we’ve endured recently, with beauty services being closed, you may not have been able to get your nails professionally cared for. When you can’t get to the salon, most therapists will be happy to help with suggestions on how you can care for your nails at home, and most will even supply products for you to use at home. We will offer products for you to use at home, and we also offer phone consultations to work out what is the best for your needs, and will then have products shipped to your door.

Want to read more about this topic? Mamamia has a great article on what to look for when going for a manicure.

Want to know how builder in a bottle works? Check out this video from Orly.

Contact us if you’d like to book a consultation to learn how to take care of your nails at home.

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