Skincare to look glamorous and amazing on your special day

Flawless skin

Now that weddings are back on, it’s well worth looking at how we can look our best for our next special event.  All of us want to look absolutely amazing from start to finish.  Whilst many articles have been written about makeup techniques, products, and what facials you should have before the big day, have you thought about the effect your every day skin care has? Skincare can help you to look glamorous and amazing on your wedding day.  

It is often assumed that women have an innate sense of how to so their makeup in a suitable fashion.  Sadly, all too often, we cobble together our looks from the little 5 second makeup lessons we receive at cosmetic counters when buying a new product, or we put things together in the same way our mothers did when they first taught us how to apply mascara when we were young.  Most makeup application remains the same, but with improving product technology, we also need to know what we are dealing with.  It can also help our cause to actually know what is in our products, . Whilst technology has come a long way, some products are actually not that safe, and the nasty ingredients which have always been there in some cases are now hiding behind innocuous sounding scientific names. With new skincare available now, skincare can help us to look glamorous and amazing on our wedding day.

With great skin, it is essential to use natural products. It is quite scary where a lot of the items in our makeup ingredients come from.  A lot of the scientific sounding names on the back of our makeup or skin care are actually derivatives of mineral oils, petrochemicals or animal fats or animal byproducts.  When animal fats are used in skin care products, they can often even be made by boiling down animal carcasses obtained from slaughter houses and from euthanased pets.  Sometimes, the flea collars and the like are not even removed from the carcasses before they are boiled down to make the animal fats.  Byproducts from these are then placed into our skin care and cosmetics as fillers.  Given that the skin is one of our largest organs, and is used to excrete waste materials through sweat, its not surprising that we absorb some of these chemicals through our skin.  In fact, breast biopsies today are finding increased amounts of hydrocarbons, which is obviously not good when it comes to breast cancer rates.  As many people put up to 500 chemicals on their faces before they even leave the house, we need to be really careful what is in skin care, hair care, and makeup products.  If you’d like to see some of the other nasties that can form part of our skin care and makeup products, take a look at this clip from ABC news.

Good skin comes naturally when using natural products, as you won’t then suffer clogged pores, blackheads or pimples, and dullness.  This will then minimise the amount of makeup we need to wear during the day, making it easier to get that glowing, glamourous look we all want.  If you think about some of the horrible items that are in our skin care and cosmetics products, its easy to understand why we get clogged pores, and our skin doesn’t look at radiant as we’d like.  However, we don’t need to be scared of our makeup right before our wedding!  Rest assured, there are plenty of natural, pure, safe and beneficial products out there.  You just need to know where to look.

Cleansing is the first step for healthy, radiant skin.  It is essential to use a proper cleanser for your skin type.  A good beauty therapist or consultant will be able to recommend a good cleanser for you to use at home.  A toner is also essential to tone your pores, and ensure they are not left open to allow makeup and other products do not clog your pores.  Once a week, follow cleansing with an exfoliant and masque before toning.  This will function as a mini, at-home facial, and will allow you to save some money on your salon facials.  For women who are short on time, a double-duty exfoliating mask which deep cleanses at the same time will do the job.  Once again, a good beauty therapist will be able to recommend a good regime for your skin type.  We would recommend seeking advice early on, or as soon as you get engaged, so you have plenty of time for your prescribed skin care range to work its magic.  If you’re concerned about this, or you don’t have a beauty therapist close by, there are mobile therapists who may even be able to offer out of hours phone consultations, to get your skin into its best condition ever.  Don’t be concerned about the potential price tag of salon quality products, though.  There are options out there, in fact the ranges we recommend, are an ultra-premium range, using some of the same technology as the LaPrairie range, but with an average cleanser, toner, or moisturiser only costing $40-50.  Then you add discounts such as preferred client programs on top of this, and it will allow you to save some serious money, which we all know is important leading up to a day as big as your wedding.

Obviously, if your skin is in top condition prior to your wedding, you will need less makeup for your skin to look flawless in your wedding photos.  This will make your makeup artists job easier, and will mean you look more natural.  As you will look back on your wedding photos for many years, you want to have happy memories, and love the way you looked.  Nevertheless, if you do still need some coverage, help is at hand, with all natural makeup products from Arbonne, containing their special “Optilight” technology, allowing you to look flawless in any light. 

If you’re still unsure what approach or approaches may be right for you, why not book in a consultation or contact us to see how we can help with your makeup.  It doesn’t need to break the bank either.

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